Experience faster and more accurate genomic analysis with NVIDIA Clara™ Parabricks®, the only GPU-accelerated computational genomics toolkit that enables accurate and fast analysis for sequencing centers, clinical teams, genomic researchers, and developers of state-of-the-art sequencing devices.
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Accelerate applications with best-in-class tools.

Use accelerated tools that meet the gold standard for rapid germline, somatic, and RNA analyses.

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Get up to 80 times faster performance.

Experience up to an 80x speedup over CPU-only solutions, reducing compute costs by up to 50 percent.

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Improve the accuracy of sequencing analysis.

Harness the potential of Deep Learning for your genomic analysis with Clara Parabricks and GPUs.

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Benefit from flexible workflows.

Create custom workflows by configuring tools in Workflow Description Language (WDL) and NextFlow.


Clara Parabricks provides GPU-accelerated versions of tools used daily by systems biologists and bioinformaticians, enabling significantly faster run times, better workflow scalability, and lower computational costs.

The toolkit includes full compatibility with workflow languages and managers (WDL, NextFlow, Cromwell) to easily connect GPU- and CPU-driven tasks, as well as support for easy cloud deployment (AWS, GCP, Terra, and DNAnexus).

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Experience unmatched performance

From FastQ to Variant Call Format (VCF), Clara Parabricks accelerates runtimes across a range of hardware configurations with NVIDIA A100 Tensor compute units. Genomic researchers can experience the acceleration in every step of their analysis workflows, from alignment to sorting to variant calls. When more GPUs are used, a near-linear scaling of computation times is observed compared to CPU-only systems, enabling an 80x speedup.
Analysis of an entire human genome with 30-fold coverage in less than 30 minutes
NVIDIA runtimes were achieved on a 320 GB NVIDIA DGX™ A100 system. All analyses were performed using HG002 Genome In A Bottle (GIAB NIST) and sequenced at 30X coverage, with variant calls performed using the HaplotypeCaller GATKv4.1.0.
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Getting Started with NVIDIA Clara Parabricks.

Find the right path for you.
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NVIDIA Clara Parabricks is available as a set of containers and pre-trained models from NVIDIA NGC. Download NVIDIA Clara Parabricks and view Documentation and Workflows to get started.

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Use NVIDIA Clara Parabricks with NVIDIA AI Enterprise software to get comprehensive access to enterprise support that provides guaranteed response times, priority security notifications, and AI experts from NVIDIA. For more information, contact Sales.

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Make deployments on-premises, in the cloud, and in the periphery

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Develop on site

Clara Parabricks runs on an NVIDIA DGX™ A100 and analyzes up to 25,000 complete genomes per year (30X coverage) using proven Genomic Analysis Toolkit (GATK) methods and scales linearly beyond a single DGX A100.
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Bring AI to the Edge

NVIDIA is working with genomics instrumentation manufacturers to develop AI-enabled, software-defined DNA sequencers, spatial transcriptomics and other devices that improve accuracy and enable real-time, in-the-field analysis.
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In the cloud

In the cloud, time is money. Choose from a range of GPU instances that can analyze genomes in minutes. For easy deployment, multiple cloud providers host Clara Parabricks as a ready-to-use image for immediate use.
Dank der NVIDIA AI Enterprise-Suite und den fortschrittlichsten Grafikprozessoren und Datenverarbeitungseinheiten (DPUs) von NVIDIA können VMware-Kunden moderne, beschleunigte Workloads sicher zusammen mit bestehenden Unternehmensanwendungen auf NVIDIA-zertifizierten Systemen ausführen. Vom lokalen Rechenzentrum bis zur Hybrid-Cloud, von virtuellen Maschinen bis zu Containern.

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